Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Shockwave Therapy in Milton

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive, out-patient alternative to surgery for those suffering from many joint and tendon disorders. Also known as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT),ย It is a highly effective treatment for chronic soft tissue injuries and certain bone conditions. sending acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue.ย 

The controlled reinjuring of tissue allows the body to regenerate blood vessels and bone cells. As a result, revascularization leads to faster healing and often a return to pre-injury activity levels. The shock waves produce a rapid increase in blood circulation to the target area. It will break down fibrous scar tissue which builds up over time, especially with chronic conditions.

Shockwave Treatment in Milton

If you looking for Shockwave Therapy in Milton, at Revolve Physiotherapy,ย our team can help you find relief. Moreover, we offer a combination of manual therapy, exercise, education, and modalities to help individuals regain their optimal physical function and quality of life.

What is Scar Tissue and How to Release it with Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is used to treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, including:

Calcific tendonitis: This condition involves the buildup of calcium deposits in tendons, commonly seen in the shoulder. Shockwave therapy helps break down the calcifications and alleviate symptoms.

Shockwave therapy Myofascial trigger points

Myofascial trigger points: These are localized areas of muscle tightness and pain. Shockwave therapy can help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

Stress fractures: Shock wave therapy may aid in the healing of stress fractures by increasing blood flow and promoting bone remodeling.

How Sucessful it is?

After only 3 to 5 treatments with shockwave therapy, over 80% of patients report a reduction of pain and regaining of normal function. Research is steadily growing for this cutting-edge technology. Also, the latest reports are confirming shockwave therapy is an effective treatment of soft tissue injuries, pain and certain bony conditions like heel spurs.

To achieve long-lasting result, the patient has to learn specific exercise program based on the first consultation and exam. After that, we highly recommend the physical therapy session followed by the shockwave therapy.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss your specific condition, potential benefits, risks, and alternative treatment options before considering shockwave therapy.

At Revolve Phisiotherapy, you’ll meet the best team for your treatment in Milton. Call us at (905) 864.8181. Will be a pleasure talking to you!

Shockwave Therapy in Milton at Revolve

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