Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario

Concussion Management & Baseline Scoring

Concussion Management Physiotherapy in Milton

A concussion is often referred to as the “invisible injury”. Whether you play contact sports or have been involved in a fall or in a motor vehicle collision, there is potential for the brain to move violently in your head and result in a concussion. 

Manage the injury and treatment properly, ensuring that the athlete returns to the game safely, as soon as possible.

In order to best assess a potential concussion, we compare their test results to their ‘normal’, and we find a person’s normal by running baseline testing. Although we can run screening without a baseline, it is more accurate if we have an individualised comparison. 

We use the baseline concussion tests to assess an athlete’s balance and brain function.. Firstly, include learning and memory skills, ability to pay attention or concentrate. Secondly, how quickly he or she thinks and solves problems. Likewise, for the presence of any concussion symptoms.

Several conditions or events can result in vertigo or problems with dizziness and balance:

Baseline Scoring includes:

  • Symptom evaluation
  • Cognitive assessment
  • Balance examination
  • Coordination examination 

If the athlete has a suspected injury, we compare baseline (pre-injury) tests with similar tests collected during the season and post-injury. With this, health professionals better identify the effects of the injury. After that, we make more informed decisions about returning activities.

At Revolve Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists specialize in helping people manage symptoms associated with Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS).  If you are the parent of a child or the coach of a team involved in a sport that involves contact, at Revolve we can perform baseline concussion testing. It’s extremely valuable for rehabilitation or prognosis should an athlete sustain a concussion.

Call us now (905) 864.8181 and talk to a specialist in Concussion Management and Baseline Scoring. Make a appointment below!

Concussion Management & Baseline Scoring in Milton

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