Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Therapeutic Exercises in Milton

Therapeutic exercise is a great way to restore function and live a pain-free life. Physiotherapy provides a multitude of benefits for anyone wishing to restore their strength, endurance, flexibility, or stability.

In fact, physiotherapy is used as a treatment for any pain, injury, or ailment someone may be facing. For more information on how therapeutic exercise may benefit you, contact Revolve Physiotherapy today!

How can therapeutic exercise help relieve my pain?

It is a common misconception that one should constantly rest when they are in pain. However, this can actually cause your muscles to weaken and form scar tissues during the healing process, which can lead to decreased functionality and more pain in the long run.

At Revolve Physiotherapy, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life with even greater strength and endurance than you had before.

Therapeutic Exercises in Milton

The many benefits of therapeutic exercise

Exercise programs are aimed at improving health, so you can feel better than you did beforehand. Therapeutic exercise can also be used as a way to prevent additional disability or impairment when facing certain physical risks.

There are a wide variety of therapeutic exercises and each one has a unique purpose. These include:

Therapeutic Exercises in Milton

Muscle Performance Exercises

Increasing power, muscle strength, and endurance are vital to good balance and stability, as well as bone and joint health. Resistance and endurance exercises are designed to increase muscle strength without injury.

Therapeutic Exercises in Milton

Balance & Coordination Exercises

Your ability to care for yourself or your loved ones depends on your ability to balance and coordinate your arms, legs, hands, and feet. That is why balance and coordination exercises are so important, especially after an injury or illness. If you cannot keep your balance or lose your coordination, you lose the ability to care for yourself.

Posture Training

Posture Exercises

Hours spent at desks, bending over keyboards, poor muscle tone, or simply poor posture habits can all lead to injury and/or pain. What you may not realize is that posture has a direct impact on balance, muscle strength, and risk of injury. Posture exercises are aimed at correcting poor posture, not just when you exercise, but also in your daily life activities to alleviate and prevent aches and pains.

Flexibility Exercises

Range of Motion Exercises

These exercises are aimed at increasing the range of motion (ROM) in your joints and soft tissues. This may be done through active, passive, or assisted stretching exercises designed to help your joints move better, without pain.

Range of Motion Exercises

Relaxation Exercises

While it is important to work the joints, muscles, and soft tissues in the body, it is also important to help them relax. Pain relieving techniques including cold, heat, electrical stimulation, massage, or trigger point release therapy, can all help the body relax, improve your sleep, lower your blood pressure, and keep you coming back for more exercise!

Use Therapeutic Exercise to improve your life!

If you want a life with less pain and greater strength and endurance, request an appointment a at Revolve Physiotherapy today to find out how therapeutic exercise can help you reach your physical goals and allow you to live the life you want!

Physiotherapy Exercises in Milton

Use Therapeutic Exercise to improve your life!

Make an appointment today!

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