Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Shoulder Pain Physiotherapy Milton

Shouder Pain Physiotherapy in Milton

Are tight or achy shoulders limiting your performance in sport or do you have trouble sleeping on your side? 

At Revolve Physiotherapy, we´ll help you! If you’re dealing with shoulder pain on a daily basis, it can limit your function and may compromise your sport of occupational ability.  We use our shoulders every day and it is the most mobile joint in the body.  Because it is the most mobile joint in the body, what we gain in mobility and ROM, we sacrifice in stability of the joint.  As a result, the shoulder is vulnerable to issues due to trauma, over use and even postural considerations.

Shouder Anatomy

There are countless reasons why you may be experiencing aches and pains and it may present itself in many different ways.

Firstly, shoulder pain starts with modest aches and pains caused by a strained muscle. After that, can go to severe bone-on-bone friction caused by arthritis, until an acute pain due to injury or trauma.  Sometimes, appears as discomfort. For example, when reaching for the top shelf to put away dishes or having trouble sleeping in a comfortable position.

Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain include:

Osteopathy in Milton


Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common types of arthritis that affect the shoulder. Both of these conditions can cause joint deterioration within the shoulder resulting in reduced mobility, muscular weakness and make it difficult to complete your daily activities.  Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the immune system for yet unknown reasons attacks the membranes that surround the shoulder joint resulting in severe inflammation and pain.  On the other end, osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage in the shoulder joint begins to wear due to repetitive or over use resulting in inflammation.

Shoulder Rotator Cuff

Rotator cuff injuries

Deep shoulder discomfort, arm weakness, difficulty reaching behind the back, and difficulty sleeping are all symptoms associated with rotator cuff tendon injuries.  These injuries can occur via trauma due to sports, activity or work.

Depending on the severity and circumstances, surgery may be required for this condition. Physiotherapy can often help reduce pain and restore rotator cuff strength without the need for surgery.

Shouder Pain Treatment in Milton

Tendinitis and impingment

As a result of a person’s job or physical demands inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder can occur to can form in a person’s shoulder joint.

Poor posture contributes to this condition because it disrupts the equilibrium of your shoulders and causes tension and weakness. Since the tendons become inflamed over time, tendinitis results in swelling and severe impingement when you raise your arm.

Shoulder impingement typically occurs when the tendons pinch under the acromion of the shoulder due to the reduced space caused by the inflammation.  Additionally weakness and joint limitation can result in abnormal movement and tracking of the humeral head as you lift your arm overhead resulting in increased impingement. Pain typically occurs when lifting your arm at or above 90 degrees.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis/Contratual Capsulitis

Are you experiencing a painful loss of motion and a tightness of the shoulder joint? You might have a condition known as “frozen shoulder.” While the term “frozen shoulder” is currently debatable nonetheless it is a condition that results in a severely painful and restricted shoulder joint.  The cause is yet unknown but leads to a massive inflammatory reaction within the shoulder and contracture of the shoulder joint resulting in pain and loss of movement.  Without early physiotherapy intervention, this condition can last several months.

How Can Physiotherapy Combat Shoulder Pain?

Physiotherapy non-invasive, natural, and comfortable alternatives to address shoulder pain. They are performed without the use of harmful medications. Our therapists have treated a wide range of shoulder pain disorders, with many patients seeing considerable relief and improvement after just a few sessions!

Our physiotherapist will assess several aspects of your overall health, including:

  • Medical history
  • Range of motion
  • Strength
  • Coordination
  • Joint mobility
  • Joint motion mechanics
Shouder Pain Treatment in Milton

To aid in the restoration of normal joint movement, relieve soft tissue restrictions, and promote circulation, gentle manual therapy may be included in your treatment plan. Specific functional strength-building exercises, including a proper muscle activation sequence around the shoulder joint may also be included.

Physiotherapy in Milton

Once the source of your discomfort is identified, your therapist will be able to build a personalized treatment plan to manage and relieve your shoulder pain and teach you new ways to increase your strength and avoid future shoulder problems.

Shouder Pain Physiotherapy in Milton at Revolve. Call us today (905) 864-8181.

Looking For True Shoulder Pain Relief?

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