Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Naturopathic medicine in Milton

Naturapathy in Milton for you!

Naturopathy integrate conventional medical diagnoses and treatments with natural therapies. Naturopaths (NDs) address the causes of illness rather than just symptoms, & support the innate ability of the body to stimulate its own healing. 


Looking at past health history & current concerns, including psychological, physiological, environmental, & lifestyle factors, the naturopath (ND) will create an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Naturopathic treatments may include clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, physical treatments, acupuncture, & lifestyle counselling.​

What to expect in a visit?

Naturopathic visits typically take anywhere from 60-80 minutes, depending on the issue and type of visit. The reason for longer visits is to deeply understand what you’re struggling with, and how we can best address the root cause of your issues. The initial visit is always the longest, and follow up visits are typically shorter.

Naturopaths (ND) manage a variety of health concerns and conditions, including:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular Disease (High blood pressure/ cholesterol)
  • Diabetes (Type II)
  • Digestive Disorders (Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, crohn’s, colitis, GERD, food intolerances)
  • Generalized Health Promotion
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Hormone Imbalances (Thyroid, adrenal)
  • Immune System (Cold’s & flus)
  • Insomnia
  • Mental Health (Anxiety, depression, stress)
  • Acute and Chronic Pain Management (MSK, arthritis, fibromyalgia)
  • Skin Disorders (acne, psoriasis, eczema)
  • Weight Loss
  • Women’s Health (Hormone testing, PCOS, uterine fibroids, cancer prevention, menstruation)

Licensed naturopathic doctor

At Revolve PhysiotherapyAmani El Sawaf is our licensed naturopathic doctor, board-certified from the College of Naturopaths in Ontario and passed the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) for North America. 

El Sawaf completed conventional medical school training in Egypt. She graduated from medical school with an honours degree and joined the rheumatology residency program at Cairo University, Egypt. 

There, she was trained on diagnosis and management of autoimmune diseases and arthritis using chemotherapy, biological treatment and rehabilitation care. Amani went on to obtain her master’s and a doctorate degree in rheumatology. She was promoted to a professor of rheumatology before leaving Cairo University.


Dr. El Sawaf has practiced rheumatology for over 15 years, during which she published 27 scientific research articles in recognized medical journals, including Lancet and BJR. Amani has since devoted her time and efforts to studying naturopathic medicine to help people support their physical, mental and emotional health.

Naturopathic medicine in Milton

She graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2019. Since then, she found a great advantage in supporting patients as compared to her previous training, where she did not practice this type of medicine. Amani is interested in other areas of naturopathic medical care thatinclude but are not limited to women’s health, rheumatology and autoimmune disorders.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss your specific condition, potential benefits, risks, and alternative treatment options before considering Naturapathy.

Naturopathy in Milton. At Revolve Phisiotherapy, you’ll meet the best team for your treatment in Milton. Call us at (905) 864.8181. Will be a pleasure talking to you!

Naturopathy in Milton

Amani can help you!!

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