Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Physiotherapy Treatment in Milton

Frequently Asked Questions about Physiotherapy Treatment in Milton at Revolve.

At Revolve Physiotherapy, we offer personalized Treatment & Therapy plans that are tailored to each individual’s needs and goals. Also, exercises to improve range of motion, strength training, balance, coordination exercises and pain management techniques.

FCAMPT – What does it mean and why you might benefit from seeing a Physiotherapist with this designation?

FCAMPT means ‘Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy‘. In Canada, we recognize these physiotherapists through the designation of ‘FCAMPT’. In other words, physiotherapists upon graduating from physiotherapy school can further their training and specialize in the movement and treatment of the spine and peripheral joints of the body through manual hands-on means and manipulation.

Research has proven that manipulative therapy help you regain functional mobility and a faster return to pain free recovery. For example, techniques such as thrust manipulation (utilized by other professionals such as chiropractors and osteopaths) have demonstrable benefits in reducing pain, restoring joint movement and normalizing muscle tone and tension.

If you have any questions or require any further information on how manipulative physiotherapy can help you, please stop by and ask your local FCAMPT therapist Neil and see if this approach is right for you.

Do I need a referral from my Doctor?

No referral is necessary to participate in physiotherapy treatment. However, patients are advised to check the details of their extended health benefits as some plans may require a physician’s referral in order to get treatment costs reimbursed.

How long does a treatment session take and how many appointments do I need?

New physiotherapy patients have 1-hour assessments and follow up treatments are 30-minutes. All appointment times are one-on-one with your physiotherapist.

The number of sessions you’ll need depends on your condition. All of our patients are individually evaluated. Firstly, your initial visit gives your therapist the information they need to assess your problem, determine a prognosis, and create a treatment plan. After that, we will discuss this with you at your initial assessment.

What do I need to bring with me? How should I dress?

We ask our patients to wear clothing appropriate to the type and area of injury. Shorts and a t-shirt or tank top is usually sufficient.

Bring any test reports or other medical documentation that is relevant to your condition to your appointment. Also, please bring your extended health benefits card as we may be able to directly bill your insurer for your visit.

If your condition is related to a work injury or an auto accident, we require your case manager’s name and contact information, your claim number, and extended health benefits information.

If you feel your problem is related to any accessories, you may wish to bring those with you. Important, because our physiotherapists sometimes find it useful to analyze specific footwear, backpacks/bags, photos of your work station, etc…

Also, we ask that you please arrive 15 minutes early to complete your intake forms.

Do you accept patients under Auto Accident Insurance (MVA)?

Certainly, we treat patients who have claims through workplace insurance and through auto insurance. Therefore, please remenber to bring your claim number, insurance adjuster’s contact info, and all other relevant information to your initial appointment.

Physiotherapy Treatment in Milton. Come to learn much more with us at Revolve. Meet the best team for treatments, therapy and exercises in Milton, Ontario. Call us now (905) 864.8181 and talk to one of ours specialist.

Physiotherapy Treatment in Milton at Revolve

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