Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Mulligan Manual Therapy in Milton

What is Mulligan Manual Therapy Concept?

Mulligan Therapy Concept is a manual therapy approach developed by Brian Mulligan, of New Zealand. The technique involves manual “repositioning” of the affected joint by the therapist. Consequently, restoring function and remove pain as the patient moves through their range of motion.

How does it work?

The core of the Mulligan concept is the Mobilization With Movement (MWM). Firstly, the therapist examination will determine if a joint restriction, pain or range of motion loss is being generated by a joint. After that, the therapist will reposition of that joint, using their hands or a belt. As a result, providing a situation that allows the patient to move further through the range of motion and reduce pain.

What are the benefits?

Here are some potential benefits associated with this approach:

Mental Well-Being

Pain reduction: One of the key benefits of Mulligan Concept Therapy is pain relief. For example, this techniques alleviate pain by restoring proper joint mechanics and reducing stress on the affected tissues. By addressing the underlying joint dysfunction, pain levels can be significantly reduced or eliminated.

Education and Awareness

Improved joint mobility: Joint dysfunctions can limit range of motion and restrict movement. Mulligan Concept focuses on restoring normal joint mobility through gentle and pain-free techniques. So, this can lead to improved flexibility, increased joint range, and enhanced functional ability.

Stay consistent

Immediate results: The techniques are designed to produce rapid changes in joint mechanics. Often, resulting in immediate pain reduction and improved movement. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking quick relief or for acute conditions.

Mulligan Therapy Concept

Non-invasive approach: Mulligan Concept Therapy is a non-invasive treatment method that relies on skilled manual techniques. Above all, it does not involve the use of medications or surgery, making it a conservative option for managing musculoskeletal conditions. In addition, this can be advantageous for individuals who prefer non-pharmacological interventions or want to avoid more invasive procedures.

Mulligan Concept Therapy in Milton

Active patient participation: Another key aspect of the Mulligan Concept is the active involvement of the patient in the treatment process. The techniques are typically performed in a weight-bearing or functional position. Patients are encouraged to move actively while receiving the therapy. Also, this active participation can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and empower patients to take an active role in their recovery.

Who is it suited for?

This treatment approach may benefit any patient with a joint related pain and/or a range of motion restriction related to a joint problem.

What conditions/injuries does this treat?

This treatment and treat joint pains, range of motion restrictions, and there are a few techniques that can even help patients affected by radiating back or neck pain, as well as headaches.

Mulligan Therapy Concept in Milton. Meet the best team at Revolve. So, call us now (905) 864.8181 and talk to one of ours specialist.

Mulligan Therapy Concept in Milton

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