Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario


Orthotics Custom Milton Ontario

Do you experience sore feet?

Did you know that as you get older, your feet will often change?

Firstly, changes in the shape of your feet, the support of your ligaments, and complications from previous injuries can all cause strain and pain. Secondly, that is why we offer Custom Orthotics in Milton as they provide extra support and relief for your feet.

This is why we offer custom orthotics as they provide extra support and relief for your feet.

Custom Orthotics Treatment in Milton

If you looking for Orthotic in Milton, at Revolve Physiotherapy, our team  will give you a comprehensive orthotic evaluation, based on your current medical conditions and activity level.  After that, it will likely take a few weeks for your custom orthotics to come back from the lab.

Why are you experiencing foot pain?

Problems with your feet can be caused by several conditions related to the feet. For example, general ailments and diseases that affect the body as a whole can also lead to foot pain. These are some conditions can all be treated with physiotherapy:

Heel Spurs Treatment in Milton

Heel Spurs

This is a bony growth in the feet that is made from some type of calcium buildup. Therefore, although actual spurs are not painful, they can poke into the keyboard tissues and cause severe to severe pain.

Osteopathy in Milton


Arthritis is a debilitating joint disease that can affect the joints throughout the foot and ankle. Stiffness and swelling in the joints can eventually lead to permanent damage. Therefore, this can affect the way you walk, stand and perform activities that you enjoy.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Milton

Plantar Fasciitis

This is a painful condition along the sole of the foot, and in particular, the bottom of your heel. This is due to thick tissues along the bottom of the feet becoming tightened or inflamed. For example, the causes can be obesity, age, have high arches or flat feet and standing for long periods of time on your feet.



Diabetes can lead to feet problems because of restricted blood flow and nerve damage. When nerves are damaged through diabetes this is referred to as neuropathy. Unequal pressure on the foot can result in sores, infections, and even amputation in extreme cases. Proper footwear can help prevent foot problems related to diabetes.



Metatarsalgia is a painful disorder that affects the joints and bones along the ball of the foot. This condition is often caused by improper footwear or restrictive footwear. Orthotics are usually recommended to help reduce pain.

Other potentially treatable conditions include patellofemoral syndrome, knee pain, shin splints, achilles tendonitis, and bunions. Moreover, numerous systemic pathologies that (like diabetes) affect the function of the lower limbs. Physicaotherapy services can provide treatment to relieve pain and improve whatever condition you’re suffering from.

How do orthotics work?

Custom orthotics are devices that are individually created to uniquely fit your feet. To clarify, they resemble insoles but are specifically crafted and made of materials that will last longer than prefabricated orthotics.

Custom Orthotics Treatment in Milton

How will custom orthotics help with my foot pain?

Quality orthotics can alleviate pressure, eliminate pain, and promote stability. Above all, it’s important to get custom orthotics that are created to fit the exact shape of your foot in order to receive the maximum benefits.

Custom Orthotics Treatment in Milton

Orthotics in Milton at Revolve Physiotherapy. Consult our team of specialists, we be nice talking to you. Call us 905 864.8181.

Learn how to custom orthotics can benefit you

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