Home Care Physiotherapy

Home care physiotherapy, also known as home physiotherapy, involves providing physical therapy services to individuals in the comfort of their own homes. This type of care is suitable for individuals who may have difficulty traveling to a clinic or hospital. Ideal for as those recovering from surgery, managing chronic conditions, or dealing with mobility issues.

Home Care Physiotherapy in Milton

If you are unable to attend the clinic, physiotherapy home visits allow an Ontario Registered Physiotherapist to come to your home. We will conduct a physiotherapy approach, including a complete physiotherapy assessment as well as treatment implementation.

Physiotherapy provides a multitude of benefits for anyone wishing to restore their strength, endurance, flexibility, or stability. At Revolve Physiotherapy, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life with even greater strength and endurance than you had before.

Here are some key aspects of home care physiotherapy:


Assessment: We will conduct an initial assessment to understand the patient’s condition, medical history, and mobility challenges. The assessment may include evaluating strength, range of motion, balance, and any specific functional limitations.

Preventive Physical Therapy

Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment, our team will develop a personalized treatment plan to address the individual’s specific needs and goals. The treatment plan may include exercises, manual therapy, stretching, and other modalities.

Home Care Physiotherapy in Milton

Exercise Programs: To improve strength, flexibility, and mobility. These exercises are appropriate to address specific issues and can be performed at home with proper guidance.

Gradual Return

Mobility Training: Our team work on improving the patient’s ability to move independently. Addressing issues such as walking, getting in and out of bed, and climbing stairs.

Muscle strains or sprains and Low Back Pain Treatment in Milton

Pain Management: Home care physiotherapy include techniques to manage pain through exercises, manual therapy, and education on pain management strategies.

Home Care Physiotherapy in Milton

Equipment and Assistive Devices: Physiotherapists may recommend and provide guidance on the use of assistive devices or adaptive equipment. It will enhance mobility and independence at home.

Mulligan Concept Therapy in Milton

Education: Patients receives education on their condition, proper body mechanics, and strategies to prevent future issues.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Monitoring and Adjustments: Our team regularly monitors progress and adjusts the treatment plan as needed based on the patient’s response and changes in health.

Benefits of home care physiotherapy include increased convenience, personalized care in a familiar environment, and the potential for better adherence to the treatment plan. It can be particularly beneficial individuals with disabilities or those recovering from surgery.

It’s important to note that home care physiotherapy is typically recommended by a healthcare professional, based on the patient’s specific needs and circumstances. Always consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate guidance and referrals to qualified physiotherapists.

Home Physiotherapy in Milton

Home care physiotherapy in Milton. Click the button below to book an appointment or give us a call – 905 864.8181

Home Care Physiotherapy in Milton

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