Breastfeeding and physiotherapy…what is the connection?

Breastfeeding and physiotherapy…what is the connection? There was a time, many years ago, when I first started as a physiotherapist. I was manning the front desk of our clinic while our admin had gone for a lunch break when I received a call that asked for a specific type of physiotherapy.  I distinctly remember the […]

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release (MFR) is a manual therapy technique that focuses on releasing tension and tightness in the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs throughout the body. Fascia is a three-dimensional web of connective tissue that plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s structural integrity. During myofascial release treatment, […]

What’s a FCAMPT designation?

FCAMPT designation certified means Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy. This designation is regarded as the highest level of manual therapy training that an orthopaedic physiotherapist can obtain.  Do you know that beyond being primary care practitioners, there are highly trained physiotherapists that perform spinal and joint manipulation? Physiotherapists upon […]