Elbow, wrist and hand Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can be an effective approach to manage and alleviate elbow, wrist, or hand pain. Our team will assess your condition, identify the underlying causes of your pain, and develop a personalized treatment plan.

The hand is a wondrously complex structure of tiny bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons which work together to perform tasks. Firstly, the wrist and elbow are stabilizing joints that support the steady use of the hand and provide attachment points for the muscles that control the hand and wrist. Secondly, all three of these areas are prone to injury from overuse or trauma. Their complexity requires the skills of an expert for proper rehabilitation from injury.

Wrist Physiotherapy in Milton

At Revolve Physiotherapy in Milton, Ontario, our physiotherapists are experts in mobility and joint issues, and they can cure your symptoms while also determining what’s causing your pain!

Elbow pain

Elbow pain has many common causes, including inflammation and injuries to your elbow joint and its surrounding soft tissues, like the ligaments and tendons. You can usually treat elbow pain at home with some simple TLC. However, If your pain persists, it’s best to see a healthcare provider to rule out a more serious health condition.

Elbow Wrist and Hand Physiotherapy in Milton

Wrist pain

Wrist injury or a sprained wrist is the most damaged area for people of all different lifestyles. There are several factors that can cause pain to flare up in your wrist. Firstly, the wrist consists of eight bones called carpals. These wrist bones surround a tube called the carpal tunnel, which has tendons and a nerve inside. So, everyday activities like typing, writing, racquet sports activities, sporting injuries or gardening as well as several disorders such as diabetes, arthritis, or osteoporosis can cause pain in the wrist.

Wrist Physiotherapy in Milton

Hand pain

Hand pain is commonly caused by repetitive motion injuries and any form of arthritis of which the most prevalent are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Broken bones and other traumatic hand injuries are also common causes of hand pain. Another fairly common cause of hand pain is diabetes mellitus which can cause nerve damage. This condition is known as peripheral neuropathy and it presents with pain, numbness, or tingling in the extremities.

Elbow Wrist and Hand Physiotherapy in Milton

Here are some common physiotherapy interventions for addressing pain in these areas:

Hands-On Technique

Manual Therapy: Physiotherapists may use hands-on techniques to manipulate and mobilize the joints and soft tissues. As a result, improve range of motion, reduce stiffness, and alleviate pain.

Elbow Wrist and Hand Physiotherapy in Milton

Exercise Prescription: To strengthen and stretch the muscles around the elbow, wrist and hand, our team will guide you with specific exercises for each case. Strengthening exercises help to improve stability, while stretching exercises enhance flexibility.

Shockwave Therapy for Low Back Pain in Milton

Ultrasound and Heat Therapy: These modalities can be used to promote blood flow, reduce muscle spasms, and accelerate the healing process.

Frozen Shoulder

Ice Therapy: Cold packs may be applied to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

Wrist splints

Bracing and Splinting: Depending on the condition, the physiotherapist may recommend wearing braces or splints to provide support and reduce strain on the affected area.

Hands Ergonomic

Education and Ergonomic Advice: Physiotherapists can provide guidance on proper body mechanics and ergonomics to prevent further injuries. For example, advice on posture, workstation setup, and techniques to avoid overuse.

Carpal Tunnel Treatment in Milton

Activity Modification: The physiotherapist may suggest modifying certain activities or avoiding specific movements that aggravate the pain.

It’s important to note that the specific physiotherapy interventions will depend on the individual’s condition and the underlying cause of the pain. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a physiotherapist or orthopedic specialist, for a thorough assessment and personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Remember, these suggestions are general in nature and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Above all, always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment based on your specific situation.

Elbow Physiotherapy in Milton

Elbow, wrist and hand Physiotherapy in Milton. Click the button below to book an appointment or give us a call – 905 864.8181

Elbow, wrist and hand Physiotherapy in Milton

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